Wednesday 29 June 2011

Bad Habits & Reticular Activation System

A lot has been discussed about how our past affects our present as well as our future. Our values coupled with our belief system can move to create a focus area, of which there can be many resulting in as well as affecting our thinking which in turn creates our response, reaction or behavior which ultimately turns into results. Normally when results are negative, they are due to bad habits. For example negative thinking, belief of negative traits i.e. believing you are not worth anything, low self esteem, etc.

Plenty has been written about RAS (Reticular Activation System). For those not sure of what this is exactly, it simply forms a part of your brain. It decides for you what is processed consciously via your senses (sound, sight, smell, touch and taste) and what not. A good example of how unique and powerful RAS is; have you ever at a given moment set your mind on buying a certain new car. All of a sudden the exact same car seems to be on every street corner, maybe in different colors but they just seem to be all over! The reality is, they didn’t just appear, they have been around all the time. Before making the decision to buy a new car, it may not have been important to you; hence you have not taken note of the same car around you. Another example, have you ever been alone in a crowded room, with all the noise and hustle and bustle going on but you don’t really take note, yet you hear your name being mentioned, you straight away become alert to where or who called your name. Maybe you were wondering if anyone knew you were there subconsciously before your name was called. RAS brings to your attention what your brain considers important and also based on your conditioning, your value and belief system.

The beauty about the RAS is that it can be programmed by you to eliminate or re-program bad habits that have been developed. The secret to doing this is to firstly identify the bad habits and work through them one at a time and determine why it is important to change these habits as well as how you intend doing it. Once this is done, then one can put your RAS to work. The reality of this approach however, is that there is no quick fix. Remember your bad habits were not formed in a day. They have been formed over the years and will take hard work to eradicate them. It is not an easy task but the positive, it can be done and has been done by many before and will be done by many to come.

In theory it takes between 21 and 30 days to form a habit that will be ingrained in our thought processes, our brain, our doing. As you can see, it will take hard work to change a habit. To embark on this journey of breaking habits, reinventing ones elf, one needs to adopt a clear goal. A clear vision as well as a CAN DO spirit and attitude. Repetitive visualization as well as affirmations plays a big and vital role in this journey. Remember again, it has taken years to program all your habits and beliefs. Whatever has been going on inside of you has manifested into what you experienced on the outside. That is YOUR REALITY, YOUR RESULT. It’s a bitter pill to swallow if you have never taken the time to look within, maybe just choosing to play the “victim” instead. The good news is you can change it and it’s never too late to change! You can reprogram your RAS (Reticular Activation System).

Just a few words on affirmations. Never speak in the past or future tense. Speak your truth always in the present tense. Examples: I am successful, not, I will be successful. I am confident, not, I will be confident. Remember, your RAS (Reticular Activation System) processes what you feed it.

To embark on your journey to develop good habits and to move to being a more fulfilling self, one needs to commit to focusing on good habits. One needs to apply the efforts daily. Self evaluate your verbal communication as well as your thoughts constantly, daily and replace anything negative with positive. Be conscious of your RAS’s (Reticular Activation System) bad habits trying to override your efforts to create good habits daily. Set aside an hour of quiet time daily with no distractions and indulge in a feast of positive thinking, affirmations and visualization. Feed your RAS (Reticular Activation System). Start with small goals. Set off with what you wish to change and why you wish to change it.
Remember again it takes 21 to 30 days to form that habit! Use your RAS (Reticular Activation System) to help you achieve your better self.

As a life coach I have always said the answers we sometimes search long and hard for. Far and wide. They lie right here within each and one of us. Life coaches encourage the ability to look within. Books, knowledge and insight are not enough to live your fullest, greatest life. Personal introspection, perseverance and willingness to change and search out your inner desires, dreams and lives are what matters the most.

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