Wednesday 8 June 2011


Every day is a gift. What we choose to do and how we embrace it as individuals determines our outcome. I believe we all have a purpose in life. It is not about what you can do for yourself but what you can do for others. It is not about being rich but rather how you go about getting rich. It is not about how good you are in what you do but rather how good you are in getting others to realize how great they are. It’s not about the difference you make to yourself but rather the difference you bring out in others. The world today is full of war, mayhem and disasters. The media bombards their listeners and viewers with this negative hype. They sometimes blow some of the stories right out of context for the sake of sensationalism and selling their news papers as well as increasing viewer ratings. People feed on this because they can somewhat “relate” to the negativity. Their own lives are filled with negative intuitions so it becomes or seen as an attracting factor. Media giants and their marketing departments know this therefore why not capitalize on it! No wonder the world could be deemed negative and we have negative outlooks towards the world.

However, amongst us there are successful individuals who have discovered the art of turning negative situations into positive. They are people just like every one of us. There are people that have had a privileged life by association. There are people that have faced adversity and come out at the top. There are people whom others believed would amount to nothing but proved all critics wrong. They all have one thing in common; a strongly developed belief system that runs on a positive parallel. They believe that where there is a wrong, there is a right. Where there is “cannot” there is a “can”! Where there is a will, there is a way. They believe that failure is the fuel to success. We all have the life choice of being one of them!

We have all heard the mantra, “what you believe, you will conceive”. When one of my clients is battling with a decision or stalling in his/her development, I ask a question. “If you put aside all monies, cost involved. If you had everything that could assist you to make your decision, the tools you need, forgetting for a moment if you had it or not. If you believed you could do what you are struggling to decide to do. If you set your mind to doing, what would your answer be?” As human beings we have the unique ability to adapt to our situations and needs. The difference is between those that choose to adapt and those that don’t. What I am saying is that if you truly believe that you will amount to nothing in this life, you will adapt to this thought and thus become it as well as live it. If however you believe you have plenty to offer and can give something with passion and love, you will adapt to this call in life. Self gratification obtained from this belief of offering will feed your passion. The law of attraction says what you give, is what you get in return. The same goes for the reverse of that. What you don’t give is what you will not be given in return!

Every day is a gift. So why should we accommodate or entertain negative thoughts and practices? Unfortunately, our lives are surrounded by it and the reality is that we cannot eliminate all of it. However, we can become more conscious of our surroundings, what we are exposed to and what affects us in negative ways. Start today! Steer clear of negative people, negative media and negative surroundings. Negativity breeds negative thoughts, actions, practices and habits. Tune into your train of thoughts, into your subconscious. Listen to what it is telling you. If reading the news paper or watching the eight o clock news leaves you feeling stressed, agitated or unhappy, rather steer away from these negative triggers and indulge in pastimes that yield positive, happy, peace of mind results. Consider reading motivational books rather than reading news papers full of bad news. Consider pursuing a hobby that brings out your creative side. Spend time with loved ones and engage in positive talk like how each one’s day had turned out.

A good practice in creating positive forum and creating positive outcomes is where I encourage families to talk more often. Each member of the household get together as a group at the end of their day and share by starting off with one negative thing that happened to them in their day and two positive things thereafter. It is called the “high low” self awareness practice. Note: one low and two highs. You always finish on a high! One of our biggest faults as human beings is that we are quick to remember the bad but always seem to struggle remembering the good. By doing this exercise of “high low” we create the ability and habit of embracing our greatness and also realize we are unique human beings. We all have the ability to change our circumstances when we realize that we are capable of doing great things.

Remember our actions, always starts with a thought. I have mentioned we live in a world of negativity that is all around us at times, low self esteem, poor self images, and lack of confidence. We choose the habit of accepting things as they are. Being a positive human being and remaining so is no easy task whilst contending within a negative arena. When we are negative, we go in search of answers that we believe are “out there”. When we are battling with this negativity, a vast number of us go in search of that happiness elsewhere. We look for it in someone else who may care to take note.

In relationships or marriages, affairs take place. If you are the one committing the affair, you normally want to blame the spouse for why it happened. Yet, the reality is you have not looked within yourselves to determine the reason why the affair took place or could take place. We try and come up with superficial reasoning which we know deep down are not the actual reasons. We try and give ourselves “out-side” answers to justify our actions. We don’t practice actual reasoning or communicate this but go ahead and pursue it believing the answers will come from “out there”. Invariably they don’t. The answers only come from within.

We can also look for it in something that may be materialistic believing it will satisfy you. The truth is, when we look outside of ourselves, the happiness is only temporary. The path to true happiness only lies within us.

Life coaches assist you in bringing out that truth, your truth.

You cannot “conquer the world” until you have “conquered yourself”. Deep self awareness and self acknowledgment is the key to living your purpose given life.

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